Free Stickers!
Just in time with the new layout, we have some free waterproof stickers to give away! The next 10 people to register, after today’s date (the 21st of Dec) will received an arbitrary amount in the mail that you can stick anywhere on your stick.
Just email us at: with your address, once registered, if you don’t want to have it public on your profile and we’ll send them out to you!
We will send them all shortly after the 10th person has registered. If your not the 10th person to register and still want free stickers just mail a self addressed stamped envelope to:
350 Oceanview Drive
Bedford, Nova Scotia
B4A 4H5
Happy Waves! gets a facelift!
We’re pretty stoked on it and hope you are too! We tried not to make any drastic changes (yet!) as we know most of us are creatures of habit. There is more to come but your going to have to wait it out and see (similar to our summer surf!).
What’s new so far?
– New account login and/or facebook connect. This allows you to login, create a profile, connect with other surfers, comment on articles, live chat, personal member blogs, be entertained by some random games and an enormous amount of other things.
– ‘Activity’ function on the user menu allows you to see the most recent happenings pertaining to you and your account.
– There will be a new photo gallery in the coming weeks.
– Largest selection of surf vids on the east coast!
We realize that it may not make some of you so happy to find out that your forum account has now be terminated. It would be great to have you register using the same user name under our new system. We tried to integrate your former forum username’s so you wouldn’t have to re-register but it’s nearly impossible from a programming perspective. However, we will be archiving all of the old relevant forum posts in the new system so you will still be able to read and reference them.
For the most part everything else has just been re-arranged to make easier and more user friendly.
If there’s something we missed or something you’d like to see post a comment below!
The crew @